Page 48 - Pranadam Magazine Yr.1987
P. 48

degree programs and admission requirements, financial aid
                             and            personality   and    the   in                     group   to
               Provide students with information on such topics as college

                             schools,       and    interviews,   administrators               and    individuals   of

                             technical      interests,   records,                             programs   adjustment

                             and            abilities,   tests,   and  teachers  development, evaluation, and revision of school programs.   Teach classes and present self-help or information sessions  on subjects related to education and career planning.    orientation   the  Assess needs for assistance such as rehabilitation, financial

                             trade          individuals'   using   with                       conduct   promote   to  new life experiences such as starting college.

                             opportunities,   apprenticeship programs.    Evaluate   characteristics   professional sources.    Collaborate   and   conferences

               •                            •                    •             •              Plan   •             •                  Pravasi Guidance Forum - Bahrain
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