Page 53 - Pranadam Magazine Yr.1987
P. 53

inmates'   write   risk      conduct                     guardianship   conditions   domestic   party   third   of   reports

               monitor   goals;   standardized   counselors             and    and     of   issues          from

               They   agreed-upon   use                                 visitation   facts                  information   evaluations,                                                          Pravasi Guidance Forum - Bahrain

               plan.   mutually   and  assessments to determine an offender's likelihood of re-offending.   correctional  meetings with inmates, their families and their friends to strengthen   custody,   determines   including  Interviews parties and reviews court files to assess potential for   solicits   psychological

               relapse-prevention   achieving   progress;   their   release,  inmate's   Counsellor working in family courts    child  disputed   and  investigates   controversy   the  violence, child abuse and substance abuse.    resolution;   or   (e.g.,

               comprehensive   toward  progress   regarding   an   to   their support network.    Evaluates   matters;   surrounding   settlement   professionals

                             reports        Prior                       •                            •
   48   49   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58